Wednesday, May 16, 2007

There is no greater love in the world than the love of a mother to her child

Maybe one of these days I will write more than one blog a month! We'll see. I just felt that I needed to put my emotions on paper in regards to Tyce's birthmom, McKelle on this Mother's Day season. How grateful I am for this woman who gave my son life...and then gave him the life she wanted for him and in the process, she made Mark and I a family. I love my husband so much, even more so now as I see him interact with our son in a way only a father can. I love when Tyce wakes up in the morning and askes for his Daddy!! My heart wants to explode. Mark and I definately have our rolls in Tyce's eyes. Mark is the best buddy and teacher of all things boy and I am the nurturer, disciplinarian who give safe boundries and the feeder of hungry babies! LOL!! I kiss the owies and make them all better...for Mark and Tyce both.

My heart was full to again wake up on Mother's Day and actually be a mom! There is nothing better in this life than having the opportunity to serve one of God's special children. I have such a closeness with McKelle and I love her with all my heart. I will express this love to Tyce so that he has the same kind of love and admiration toward her as Mark and I do. On Mother's Day this year...I got a package from McKelle. It was a willow tree statue of a mother angel holding a sleeping toddler. It reminded me of how big Tyce is getting because the last statue we got from her...the baby was a newborn. Sad.

I am so ready for another baby! We will be submitting our papers again in a couple months when the next classes start. How I hope our next baby is close to coming home to us! Tyce will be such an amazing Big brother.

I have much more I want to write about but I have to go pick up my little man from Grandma's house. Such adventures he had today I am sure and I can't wait for him to tell me all about them in his baby jabber!! Music to my ears!

Oh, we are going camping this weekend with Tyce's birth dad, Jami, and his family. I will write all about it on another post when we get back!! Such fun!! Yea for summer!!!

1 comment:

Lovely Lindsay said...

you are an incredible woman. tyce is so lucky to have you for his mommy. i love watching you with him. your faith and so much patience while you waited for your baby was so inspiring to me in my own baby-waiting-struggle. happy camping. we're off to kennewick for the weekend! love, lindsay