Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random Thoughts and Desires...get comfy!, I WANT ANOTHER BABY!!! I know that Tyce is only 17 months old and that it would be better to wait a little longer to have another baby (which will no doubt happen anyway) but I am dying here. The desire for another baby, so far, is not nearly as desperate and mind numbing/consuming as it was while we were waiting for Tyce but it is getting there. I am soooooo excited to start the adoption process again and for some reason I feel that our next baby is already conceived...or will be very soon. I have days where I know it will be a girl and then the next day I think it may be a boy. So as far as that goes...I really don't care.

Tyce is becoming Daddy's little shadow and when he is home, I am feeling left out. Now, I have no interest in tools, building things and working in the yard but there is really nothing better than watching Mark teach Tyce all the "guy" things that go on around my house. So, with that said...I am excited to bring home a little girl who will be my shadow. Who will want to learn all the things that I enjoy, like sewing quilts, scrapbooking, sitting in cozy comfort and read a good book, shopping till we are beyond broke, etc. Don't get me poor Tyce is stuck with me all day and I promise that I will teach him these things too so he is well rounded just like his Dad! Yes, Mark is more domesticated than he lets on.

And then there is the desire for another dirty little boy to love until my heart explodes just like it does every time I look at my son. Even when Tyce is throwing his famous tantrums...I find myself feeling so lucky and happy to HAVE a child in my home that tests my patience and throws toys when he is mad because that means that I have a child...that I am a MOM and that he feels comfortable in our home and with me enough to express himself without fear of corporal punishment. And let's face all know that sometimes those tantrums are so ridiculous that we just have to laugh!

I would love more than anything to have a little brother...a little playmate for Tyce who is no younger than 2 years Tyce's junior. How amazing that would be? They could play in the mud together, fix things (or more like, break things) together. They could go on father/son camp outs with their dad. I can't wait to pack the trailer and backpacks with all kinds of mommy goodies for my guys so they can be full while they are discovering new worlds together. I can't wait for my boy(s) to grow up and "protect" me and their little sister (if I get my way)!! I really can wait but when the time comes...I can imagine myself looking up into Tyce's beautiful blue eyes and being as proud as can be.

I know it is a mom's right to make plans for her son...and so that is what I do. I picture Tyce going into the MTC and serving a mission honorably like his Dad. I see him taking a beautiful girl to the Temple and starting his own family. I see him being mine and Mark's best friend when he is all grown up...just like my Mom and I are best friends now that I am an adult. I don't know what Tyce will be when he grows up. He will work for Mark for his first job...that I know. He just enjoys all things his Dad it makes sense to me. But, eventually, I can see Tyce going to college and excelling in whatever he takes interest in. He is so smart and witty and he has a personality that attracts everyone around him. He is the center of attention.

I tend to get ahead of myself, don't you think? I hope that all that wonderful future I wish for takes a long time to get here. I want to enjoy my little family for a long time to come. But if years keep flying by like they have will be here before I know it. I see us as the Nielsen's. For those of you who don't know them, they are the family that "adopted" Mark when he was in High School. Their oldest son, Bryan was Mark's best friend. We are very close to this family and they are my guiding light. They have 4 kids. All wonderfully good people. 2 boys, 2 girls. Both boys served missions, both girls married in the Temple to wonderful men. Bryan married in the Temple to a now dear friend of mine.

I want to sit in the Temple some day with my husband, mom, grandma and all my kids. I want lots of kids. I pray for lots of kids. I have so much love to give and lucky Tyce gets to get more kisses than he can handle. For his sake...I pray for another baby soon. I know that is unreasonable to think that we will ever have several kids. We just can't afford them. I feel very blessed to have Tyce and I know for sure (in my heart) that we have another one coming but I really would like at least 3 and hopefully 4. That will take some convincing though. Mark is good with 2! LOL!! It's all in God's plan right? He knows what and who we need and when they get here...they will be very loved!

Well, this has turned into a long rambling and I am sorry for all who had to read it but these are my random thoughts for the day. Now I am off to Google adoption stuff because from now until our next baby comes home...I will be an obsessed woman!! Hang on, all you readers, for my emotional adoption ride. It will all be blogged!!

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