Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Tyce!!!

This post is just for and about Tyce!

This boy is just plain sweet (when he chooses to be)!! I love him SO very much and I can't imagine starting out this adventure of Motherhood with any other child but him.

He is FULL of energy.
He loves to pick me flowers
He loves hugs and kisses
He loves to make up stories and to read books
He loves "cuddle time" in his bed at bedtime
He loves to play with his friends and shares really well
He is good at taking turns
His daddy is his best friend
He is a wonderful big brother (he loves it so much, he is asking for another baby...a girl this time)!
He loves to box on the Nintendo Wii
He loves our garden and is taking pride in watering and weeding it
He loves cartoons, luckilly, educational ones
He loves to learn how to cook and will do anything in the kitchen that I allow him to do! (Yes Dad and Denise, I have learned enough to teach him...you would be proud!! I am even teaching him to cook from scratch)!
His favorite foods are fruit
He takes pride in buying things with his OWN money that he has earned
He loves bike rides
He LIVES in just his undies!

Yes, despite all the tantrums that come with being 3...I love this boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't they just skip that wonderful "3 year old" stage!?!