Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Kaze!!

This post is just for and about Kaze!

He is the sweetist baby that ever lived
His favorite person is his Mommy
He loves his snuggle blankets I made him
He loves his binki
He laughes at his brother and smiles really big for everyone (even his Dad!)
He loves being outside!
He loves to eat and is enjoying the exploration of finger food and juice in a sippy cup
He loves to spit his food out after I put it in his mouth (this is very naughty)
He loves his johnny jumper
He loves animals and gets so excited about kittys
He loves a good car ride
He takes three naps a day and sleeps 11-12 hours at night! YES!!!
He was swaddled until he was 7 months old
He can sit up on his own
He is starting to try and stand while holding onto things and is getting up on his hands and knees...he will be moving soon!
Carrying and Giving birth to him was one of the greatest joys of my life!
He has a temper. When he has had enough, he has had enough!
He was expensive! LOL!! And worth MUCH more than that.

Kaze came to our family at just the perfect time. Not the most convenient time, but the perfect time. I look at my boys and thank God for his infinate wisdom in allowing me to be a mom to both my boys. Kaze has been such an easy baby. He has been healthy and I am so grateful for that. I love him so much and am sad to see him grow up but happy and excited to see who he will become!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love those ears!