Friday, October 31, 2008


We finally got internet again!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!! And thanks to my Dad, we also got a cool new webcam that I will be testing out soon enough! Things the last two weeks have really been AMAZING!!! It is amazing how much energy you have when you aren't pregnant anymore (although, I really do miss it) and when your baby sleeps!!! Tyce, mommy still loves you but oh how much more fun it would have been if you had slept! Kaze is a great sleeper. He is only getting up once a night for about an hour or less to eat and then right back to la la land. Which means that mom is getting about 6 hours of sleep a night (sometimes more). Yes, I DO know how blessed I am that this is the case and I pray every night that it doesn't end. I feel GREAT! And this helps me be more patient with my very "helpful" big boy! Tyce is an amazing big brother. He loves Kaze so very much. He is sweet and gentle and I am so proud of him. We have had wonderful weather and have been getting out of the house a lot. Kaze is content as long as his belly is full and Tyce just runs and plays with his friends, which makes for a fun day! I am sad to see winter come again. I wish we had more sun and fun but alas, I do believe it all ends tomorrow. At least Halloween won't be freezing!

For those who are wondering, since I neglected this info on my last entry, Kaze weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. He is already changing so much and I hate it but what I hate more is when Tyce lies next to him and I realize how big HE is. What happened to my baby? He is big and Kaze will soon follow suit. All I have to say is that Mark better not fight me on having another baby in a couple years because I think that I am just going to need it! It is so exciting to watch them grow and soooooooooooo very sad too.

Well, enough of this rambling. I need to go clean something while BOTH boys are sleeping (yup, that happens everyday at nap time too)! Blessed me! Can you tell I am happy? Enjoy the pictures below! Love you all!

My Little Tiger Cub!!! Kaze is so cute at 2 weeks old!

Tyce decided that for Halloween, he was going to be a "scary man with a green face". Yes, that is a quote! Unfortunately, that is all he wants. No scary clothes...just normal, everyday clothes are fine. As long as his face is green and scary. So, this is it! Don't his eyes just POP though?

This is me 2 weeks BEFORE baby...

And this is me 2 weeks AFTER baby!!! Yes, I must say...I am looking pretty good (with my clothes on that is)...there is still MUCH toning that needs to happen! LOL!!

My sister Danielle came to visit last weekend (awsome time) and I caught her snugglin' in with the new babe! Sweet dreams!

And my Boys!! I am blessed and sooooooooo in love with them all!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for takin' the time to do an update Daisha!! I love love love seeing all the pictures!! What sweet baby!

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Yeah for sleeping babies! Great pics. Thanks for the update. I hope we can see more pics and read more updates soon!

You look great!

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful and you look awesome! I loved being pregnant SO much, but am already missing it. My husband is dying b/c I mention, every now and then, how I wish I were pregnant again. LOL


Anonymous said...

Daisha!! How much is a round ticket flight to Utah? I feel like I am really missing out living so far away. It's not fair!! I so badly want to come see you and the babies. Someday...Love you lots, and again I am so happy for you! Love Ali