Monday, September 1, 2008

ANOTHER trip to the Hospital...ANOTHER update...

Well, I am completely exhausted so I will make this short and sweet. Last night around 5:30pm I started having horrible pain in my left side. It was into my kidney and radiated into my side and into my groin. Everytime I had a was at a level of 8-9 on the pain scale. I got a lot of good practice with my hypnobirthing tools and I have to tell confidence is a little shaken of my abilities to go natural but I am still determined. When I was not was still at about a 6. THEN I started running a low grade fever at which point my doc sent me to the hospital AGAIN.

At the hospital they gave me an IV to try and help the contractions slow by adding more fluid to my system. They could not give me more contraction stopping medication because my heart rate was and still is over 120. The doctor insisted on giving pain meds in a shot because she was sure the pain I was feeling was causing my contractions...which is debatable since I am still having lots and the pain is significantly better today.

They did a test to check for kidney stones and another kidney inflammation issue that is common in pregnant women and both were negative. She said that my urine was too hydrated and looked great. Okay so the blood work came back with an elevated white blood count and I had my fever. So, they don't know what is wrong. They gave me a HUGE shot of anti-biotic because there has to be an infection somewhere but they are convinced it is NOT in my uterus or anywhere that will affect the baby...he looks GREAT by the way.

So, I go to the doc tomorrow morning for a followup and hopefully we will get some answers. NOW...I am going back to sleep!


Anonymous said...

Daisha! I'm so worried sick about you! Is there something I can DO for you???

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Wow, Daisha. I hope you have a hospital/doc that are on top of everything. Keep as hydrated as possible. I've been reading up on how important hydration is to stop contractions.

Hope everything gets better and you can go another 5-8 weeks to full term!

Marlene said...

Of course you are in our prayers! Hopefully by the time you read this the Dr knows why the fever etc and you are back on your feet. But in the mean time, the Lord is hearing from me!