Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Advice please!

I feel like I want to blog but to be honest...I really don't know what to write. My mind is just a jumble of things right now and I think that I really need advice...so please feel free to post a comment and give me some...seriously!

My first dilema...the girl that I wrote about in my last blog post, as I said...she is a student at a local beauty college. Before I went to the Enrichment night, the president of my MOMS club asked me to find out about having the students come do a MOMS night out for us. I would love to do that and host it at my house but will this girl think that I am "stalking her", and I really don't want her to feel that way. So what do I do? Have the MOMS night out at another house and not go myself? That is kind of crazy don't you think? What do I have to loose? She could see where we live, etc. It could be a really good thing! What do you all think?

My second issue is my poor little Tyce and his skin problems. I am trying to find a good dermatologist for him. His eczema is just not really getting any better and depending on what we are doing...it is getting worse. The other day, we took him to the pool and the chemicals in the pool dried out his skin so much that when I gave him a bath, the soap burned him and he screamed...I about died I felt so bad and then lotion did the same but I had to get that stuff off his skin. I don't want that to happen ever again. Next time, I will try washing him really good at the pool before we leave and if that still causes problems then I am afraid that the public pools are just too much for his skin. So I will keep you all updated on what the dermatologist says.

I have much more but I have to get some stuff done before I leave work today...so, I'll write more later! Any advice?


Anonymous said...

Wow Daisha!

I think you should just do what you would have done if you didn't know she was pregnant. Don't treat her any differently than anyone else, kwim? Be friendly, be yourself, and go ahead just like planned!

PS Glad you got a new calling. You were sick of the old one, eh?

Anonymous said...

thats wrong! Totally give her special treatment! if she knows you pick favorites she'll think you will love her child more! Hope baby number 3 works out!