Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The potty is a scary thing!!

So…I think potty training is not too far off in the future!! I can’t believe it. I am NOT ready. I know Tyce is getting bigger and he is getting de-babytized but Potty Training? Emotionally, I am just not ready to accept that he is not my “baby” anymore.

He has been interested for quite some time about OUR happenings in the bathroom but lately he has been telling us when he is “pee pee” or “poopy”. But at church on Sunday…he patted his bum and said “poo poo”, so we checked him and nothing…not FIVE minutes later, he was poopy. I couldn’t believe it…he actually told us when he needed to go. He is understanding the sensations. Last week we put him on the toilet and he freaked. It is a big hole to a little bum after all, so I guess we will be getting a toddler toilet seat VERY soon. He was just so lazy with sitting up, crawling, walking, etc. that I really didn’t expect him to be interested in this yet. Such a smart boy!

We are having so much fun lately. Tyce is such a good boy. He expresses himself, acts like a child (gets dirty, makes messes)…all the things that I have looked forward to but at the same time, he is so obedient. I never expected a child of his age to be this obedient. He responds so well to time-outs and only receives a few a week. He stays in the chair the whole time out…even if I leave the room (can you believe it?)

Last night was another first…an amazing first. The only thing is that I regret that Mark wasn’t there. He was at Elder’s Quorum (good reason I guess). Until it hit me last night, I didn’t think Tyce was old enough to help or understand a prayer. So we knelt at his bed and clasped our hands together. I started saying a couple words at a time and he repeated (more the sound than the actual word) but I just know that that short little prayer meant more to our Heavenly Father than any heartfelt prayer I have ever uttered. It was an amazing experience between my little miracle and myself.

This will now be an every night occurrence in our home. Tyce is old enough now (excuse me while I wipe my tears) that he can now learn how to pray. It is precious to actually have him take part in it. There have been many prayers said “around” him in his little life…but not with him being an active prayer in our home. Oh, it was a proud moment for me!

I have more to say but I will save it for another time. We are having some challenges but I would much rather focus on the positive right now. That is what will get me through the day!

Love you all!! Please post comments of any kind…let me know you are there. And any potty training advice would be great!


Anonymous said...

Leah's little prayers are just my favorite part of everyday! She repeats the last word of every sentence I say. Then she says AMEN! She loves it. And if I'm forgetting she'll remind me.

I need to come see you again!

Daisha said...

I think you DO need to come see me again!!! I just feel bad that I can't come see you. Hopefully the money situation will be resolved in the near future and I can play more!! You are welcome anytime. And our babes can pray together!!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry - there's more fun stuff for us to do in your town than mine! LOL

Lovely Lindsay said...

how old is this kid again? =)!!! aaaaamazing!! you forget how much they are actually paying attention until something so sweet as his first little prayer. they are always watching us, huh. what's crazy is that it's our job to bring up these little babes. what a job, huh. let's take these boys to the park, eh?

Daisha said...

Hey lin...what are you doing tomorrow? I have a whole day of NOTHING to do and I need a distraction badly!!

Call me today, or I'll call you later! How did those motion sickness pills work for you? They are my life saver!

As far as bringing up these babes? Mark and I were talking about how much they do for US!! His innocence is refreshing and gets me doing the things I need to be doing!

Call me!