Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Week In Pictures...

Here are some fun/cute pictures from this past week or so! This mommy life is so great (as Tyce just got mad at me for ignoring him and hit the keyboard). This being stuck inside sucks though. We have all been getting or have had colds so we are trying to stay put and get over them. That is very hard for a roudy almost 3 year old. Yes...in less than a week, Tyce will be 3. Amazing...where has the time gone? As far as winter goes...I am not the biggest fan, but there is something to be said for cranking up the heat, getting in your comfy sweats and slippers and turning on the Christmas tree/decoration lights and curling up in the oversized recliner with a good book and hot coco!!! Oh, that is wonderful!

Have a great holiday season everyone! I will post again after the craziness wears down. God bless!

Big brother is a big helper!

He loves the Christmas lights!

Doesn't that smile melt your heart? He is laying on a blanket made by a friend of my mom's when I was born!

Big Cheeser!

This Santa was a GIRL...and Tyce picked up on it right away. He says..."Mom...HER hair is funny". Observant huh?

My Boys!

I was impressed...this Santa had a REAL beard! This was at our "Breakfast with Santa" activity we did with the MOMS Club! Jammies were a must!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

So glad to see new pics! How cute are those boys?! I love that Tyce noticed the 'difference'! And such a good big brother! I'm so happy all is going well! And I love that you can post on here and all your loved ones can check in to see how things are going... Have a Merry of Merriest Christmas!
Love Aunt Marlene