Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tyce's 2nd Birthday ~ Christmas ~ Etc.!!

WOW!!! A lot has happened this past month. I think my December's are going to be very busy for the rest of my life. Tyce's birthday was December 21st and then of course 4 days later is Christmas!! First, I'll start with Tyce's birthday. Okay...I am going to brag for a second. We had a party at our house and has 30+ people here, including Tyce's birth dad, Jami, and a bunch of his family. It was really nice to see them again. They love Tyce so much and I am glad that things have worked out so that they can be involved a tiny bit in his life! is the bragging part. I made Tyce's cake again this year...a train...check it out!!

But one of the best things that happened this holiday season is that my Dad and Step-Mom (Denise) came and spent Christmas with us!! It was so nice for us to have that time to spend with them with no where else that we had to be. There are so many other people to visit while we are in WA that our time with any one family is precious. Tyce and “Papa Brent” definitely bonded. It was so wonderful to see that side of my Dad. Tyce really took to Denise also and they played a lot! Tyce got spoiled rotten with all things “Cars”. Everything was Lightening McQueen and Mater!! And we got a lot of food and some of Denise’s yummy cooking along with some gift cards, comfy socks and hats and a scanner!! They were a Christmas blessing that we really needed and really appreciated!! Here is Tyce and “Papa Brent” painting their faces with frosting…boys will be boys! My hubby treated me really good and got me the Kickboxing bag that I wanted. It is an amazing work out and it is fun! So now, I can get my full work out at home. Tyce even does it with me. But every so often, he gets kicked in the head if he gets in the way. I guess he will learn huh?! It actually only happened once and we are both more careful now as to what we are doing! He laughed when it happened though. Such a tough guy!

Tyce had his 2 year checkup today and he weighed in at 29.6 pounds and 34 inches tall!! He is just growing like a weed. He is in size 3T shirts and 2T pants and size 6-7 shoes. It really blows my mind that he is so big. He is obsessed with his new movies…especially Cars and The Polar Express. Santa brought him a big train table for Christmas and he plays with it all day every day!!

I really can’t believe how much Tyce is talking these days and the things he is saying and doing are cracking me up daily. His new phrase is “I figure it out” and today he put his baby in Time Out. He came up to me and said…”put baby in time out”. I asked why his baby was in time out and he said “he hit mommy”. I said, yup, he probably should be in time out then! Things like that make me realize even more how grown up he is getting.

Now for our adoption plans. We are making in the process of completing our home study and are making some calls to inquire more about the foster to adopt program through the state. Who knows if that will go anywhere but we figure that we can be on that waiting list while we save up money to adopt through LDS family services again. Either way, we will put ourselves out there so that whatever baby is meant to be ours will be able to find us! This time we are even willing to adopt an older child…as long as they are younger than Tyce so that we can keep the current birth order in tact. So, I’ll keep you all up to date on that as things unfold! And pray for us that our next child will find us and that we will be patient until the time is right!

So, that is all for now I guess! I wish you all a happy new year and pray that you will all be blessed with health and happiness this year!

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