Thursday, January 1, 2009

We had a QUIET Merry little Christmas...

Kaze's first Christmas...doesn't he look thrilled?

Now I can build things just like Dad!

Thanks Aunt Dani for my "house"!!!

Merry Christmas from our little family to yours! We had a wonderful little Christmas. We hunkered down at home to avoid the blizzard outside and enjoyed our little family! Then that afternoon, we went through the snow to Grandma and Grandpa's house (Mark's parents)! We had intentionally NOT put any presents under the tree until Santa came Christmas eve because, well, can you really trust a 3 year old to NOT open the presents? I think not! We hear this little patter of feet Christmas morning and then found Tyce in our bed asking "why are all those presents under our tree?" We then told him that Santa came and he says "are they for me?" "Yes Tyce, they are for you" "Can we go open them now?" So, up we were to enjoy the magic of Christmas morning. We prepared for Christmas as best we could. Tyce and I made sugar cookies for Santa and we shopped for eachother's stockings! It was a meek Christmas this year but I found that it was better that way. There was more time and energy spent reflecting on the Savior and his birth. Tyce now knows that Christmas is Jesus' birthday!

We are excited for this new year and all it has in store for us. Hopefully, the economy will get better and Mark will work lots (so far...we have been very lucky is this aspect)...we just pray it stays that way! Construction is iffy in this economic time. Tyce starts Sunbeams in primary this week and will start pre-school in the fall. We will get to enjoy all the fun firsts with Kaze as he grows through this first year of life. I will stay home and take care of my family and do what I can to make a difference for those around me!

I am blessed. I have everything I need and I am happy! What more can you ask for? Happy New Year and God Bless!